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True Colours

When I first wrote the content for my coaching website, I faced a dilemma. I have healthy business instincts and a practical mind, but since I sold my business I'm more interested in personal growth. I was told that for marketing purposes I had to choose a niche, but on which crowd should I focus?

I assumed that playing on my proven entrepreneur success will attract more clients, so I decided to emphasize that part of me in my communication. As a result, I got clients who were interested in my support of their business, while what I was more interested in was supporting them as entrepreneurs and humans. This gap didn't feel right, and I decided to align my message with the work I truly love doing.

I still support entrepreneurs, but the path to achieving their goals is by shedding light on their strengths and on what in them is blocking their success. With their growth, their business grows.

Communicating authentically is a bit scary. Do I dare show my true colours? What if no one will need my services?

I believe that even from a commercial perspective, authenticity is the path. Showing who you truly are touches and attracts people. I prefer to talk to a smaller crowd that resonates with my message completely, than a bigger audience that will connect only partly to it.


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