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The power of Commitment.

So, your business isn't perfect. Your career doesn't look like you imagined. What keeps you going? What motivates you to keep putting in the effort?

Passion may ignite our journey, but long-term success is fueled by commitment. Maybe like a romantic relationship: falling in love brings two people together, but commitment keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

Passion is essential in our professional lives too, but it's the commitment to our goals that sustains us and our business. Having a clear vision and understanding our long-term objectives helps us stay on course.

Being independent isn't about always doing what we feel like. It requires maturity to do what our business needs to thrive.

Setting boundaries regarding what we are willing to sacrifice for our business and taking care of ourselves is important. However, making decisions based on what our business needs versus what we feel like doing should be a conscious choice. I see that my business requires my attention. Am I willing to invest the time and energy this project demands?

Commitment means being willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve a long-term ambition. It saves us from dilemmas when we don't feel an immediate attraction to a task and can be a source of energy when challenges arise.

Commitment brings peace of mind and helps us deal with distractions. It supports our focus and guides us through difficult moments.

To avoid neglecting tasks we don't enjoy, we can lean on our commitment to our business. By zooming out, we can see that taking necessary steps, even those we enjoy less, is crucial for our business, and for ourselves, to flourish.

Are you committed?


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