Our personal growth process can be seen as a parallel journey of psychological and spiritual paths. My psychological work is primarily self-inquiry—getting to know myself, my patterns, my beliefs, what triggers me, and why. Understanding our story, why we feel and act as we do, is the first step in creating change. However, the psychological path has its limitations. It focuses on our relative self. On everything that makes up our identity, uniqueness, and sense of separateness. Fundamental changes in the mind cannot be made solely from the mind itself. To undergo true transformation, a leap is necessary—a connection to something larger than our mind, to the part of us that has never changed, the deeper "I". When we observe our emotions and behavior from this deeper space, we can accept our "faults" and learn to live with our "imperfections." It's not about "spiritual bypassing" or ignoring our problems. It's about disidentifying with them, remembering that we are more than our personality, feelings, and thoughts. Once I connect with myself on this deeper level, I experience love. And when I shed this loving awareness on my wounds, a healing process begins. It's not that I'm free from automatic behaviors or judgments, but when I retreat into myself, I can embrace all these experiences, just as I would hug my child when he's hurt or upset. I believe both paths are necessary for growth: getting to know ourselves and then sinking deeper to a place where we can love ourselves. Do you know this place?
