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Share your gift with the world!

For a long time I chose to stay silent on social media. I told myself "Social media isn't for me", or "It's not cool to show people I need something from them." I meet many talented entrepreneurs with beautiful dreams. Unfortunately many don't reach the results they wish for just because they too avoid putting themselves and their message out there.

What are we really afraid of?

What held me back was the thought- how will I feel if I put my heart out there and won't get any reactions? No "Likes"... When we try to sell a product that is us, we put ourselves in a vulnerable place. Our pride takes a hit with any hint of failure. We prefer to say "I'm not good at sales" and hide, than deal with rejection. But choosing silence has a price too. We might not get hurt, but we, and our business stay small, and our chances to flourish diminish.

The shame I felt when asking my friends if they could connect me to potential clients was blocking my progress. When I did find the courage to reach out, I experienced that people enjoy supporting others, and my business took a positive turn.

Feeling shame and rejection might just be what we need to experience in order to grow. Perhaps, like Joseph Campbell wrote, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." Sometimes experiencing what we fear the most, shows us our strength and that there is nothing to fear. When we take steps despite our fear, we grow, our light can shine, and we can share our gift with the world.


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