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Passion is within you, not in what you do— Remove your judgments, and love will find you. 

After selling my company, I felt lost, without a strong urge to pursue a new direction. I wanted to invest myself in new projects but had no idea which ones. Caring for my children, maintaining the house, playing the piano, and engaging in sports all felt like casual activities that didn't nourish me. I was searching for the next big thing, wondering where I could make an impact and do something meaningful.

Why didn't I feel drawn to any direction? Where was my passion? When I slowed down and managed to ignore the voice in my head judging my current state of uncertainty, I experienced relief. It’s okay not to know my "life mission." It’s okay to "just" be with my kids. I realized that I didn't need a clear plan or vision. By removing my judgments about not feeling passionate and criticizing myself for the "small" things I was doing, I began to enjoy them. Nothing changed in what I was doing, but how I did them changed. I became more present and aware of myself and my surroundings. Suddenly, I noticed the magic that every moment holds. When I let go of these judgments, I allowed myself to be fully present in the situation, to experience life as it is, no matter what I was doing. I realized that life isn’t only in the exciting moments, the strong emotions, or the big ideas and challenges. Life is everywhere—in the ordinary, in the smile of my child, in the sensation of being alive. Sometimes, we find our dream and feel a strong pull to do something that makes us feel alive. But sometimes we don't. Letting go of the idea that I should be doing something else allowed me to enjoy what I was doing, regardless of what it was. It brought passion of another kind. Not obsessing on one idea or direction, but love for life and this moment.


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